Getters of TokensFarm Contract

Get info from relevant contract public fields

The staked ERC-20 token's address

IERC20 public tokenStaked;

Total amount of tokens deposited to a farm

 uint256 public totalDeposits;

Total amount of tokens that were paid out as rewards

uint256 public paidOut;

The current total rewards amount

uint256 public totalRewards;

The amount of tokens rewarded per second

uint256 public rewardPerSecond;

The farm's start and end times

uint256 public startTime;
uint256 public endTime;

The early withdrawal penalty

EarlyWithdrawPenalty public penalty;

The fee rates in percentages %

uint256 public stakeFeePercent;
uint256 public rewardFeePercent;
uint256 public flatFeeAmount;

The number of farm participants

uint256 public noOfUsers;

The addresses of all farm participants and mapping of users to get the index

address[] public participants;
mapping(address => uint256) public id;


Get the Address of a Staked Token

IERC20 public tokenStaked;

Get the Amount of Deposited ERC-20 Tokens via stakeId

function deposited(address _user, uint256 stakeId)


Get pending reward amount

function pending(address _user, uint256 stakeId)


How many time a user staked

To get the number of user stakes from a TokensFarm contract, you must call getNumberOfUserStakes on the TokensFarm smart contract.

function getNumberOfUserStakes(address user)


Get deposit timestamp

function depositTimestamp(address _user, uint256 stakeId)


Get withdraw timestamp

function withdrawTimestamp(address _user, uint256 stakeId)


Last updated