
INFO : TokensFarmSDK.sol is the contract that serves to help other projects integrate the staking system. We are providing audited code that will help your project reward your clients by earning them rewards cause they are holding your token.

This is the flow of usage of this feature:

• First, the client comes to us providing the address of the contractAdmin (contract that is going to use our SDK).

• Our developers deploy the TokensFarmSDK.sol contract with your contract address inside of the initialization. By doing so, the SDK can know who can only report the stakes and withdrawals.

• Once developers deploy the contract, we are going to provide a library and list of the functions that you are going to integrate with the help of our developers

• Library called SDKFunctionality.sol contains functions that are only callable by the contract that you provided

• Getters are public so you can fetch them by directly calling functions from the contract

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